Leave No Trace
Do you know the 7 principles of the Leave No Trace Scheme?

Leave no Trace session are used to promote awareness of the 7 principles of the Leave No Trace Scheme. These are, Plan and Prepare Ahead, Walk and Camp on Durable Surfaces, Leave What You Find, Have Respect for wild Life, Have Respect for other users of the Outdoors, Dispose of Waste Properly, Minimise the Impact of Campfires. These are the core elements that group members should be aware of and discuss as a group the possible long term effects we have on the environment and how we can reduce how we effect it and how we can show others the way forward.
The Leave No Trace session is aimed at educating (but not preaching to) people as to how mankind effects the outdoor environment. It is a great way of making people more environmentally aware and is a very interactive workshop for anyone to increase awareness. It is a fun yet can also be used as a team challenge as you can make up teams who can present on the discussion points and present methods of how to minimise impacts on the environment.

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